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Please note that this product will be discontinued and replaced by Strep-Tactin® 4Flow® high capacity column. Strep-Tactin® Sepharose® column will still be available until 31st October 2024 or as long as stock lasts. Check out the features of the new resin here.

Strep-Tactin® Sepharose® columnsare intended for the purification of Strep-tag®II or Twin-Strep-tag® fusion proteins in gravity flow. The low percentage of agarose allows the purification of large proteins. For proteins with multiple tags, such as multimers, that cannot be eluted from Strep-Tactin®XT resins due to the increased affinity, Strep-Tactin® Sepharose® columns are a lower affinity alternative. Biotin will bind irreversibly to Strep-Tactin®, and we recommend masking free biotin with BioLock before sample application.
To reduce the waiting period during sample and buffer application, the use of the application aid WET FRED is recommended. For columns with a custom resin bed volume, use Strep-Tactin® Sepharose® 50% suspension.


Bead Size: 45 - 165 µm
Biotin Binding Capacity: > 300 nmol/ml resin
Exclusion Limit: 3 x 10^7
Form: Pre-packed gravity flow column
Possible Application: Protein purification of Strep-tag®II and Twin-Strep-tag® fusion proteins
Specificity: Twin-Strep-tag®; Strep-tag®II; cross reactivity: biotin
Strep-tag®II Binding Capacity: 3 mg/ml
Support: 4% agarose

Shipping information

Storage: 2-8 °C
Stability: 6 months after shipping
Shipping: Room temperature


Strep-Tactin® Buffer Set
Strep-Tactin® purification buffer set
Buffer W (10x)
Strep-Tactin® and Strep-Tactin®XT wash buffer
Buffer E (10x)
Strep-Tactin® elution buffer with desthiobiotin
Buffer R (10x)
Strep-Tactin® regeneration buffer with HABA
Application aid for large volumes of lysates or culture supernatants
Biotin blocking solution for lysates and culture supernatants

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